Thursday, March 15, 2007

Cityscape Community Church

Well after months of brainstorming names (and a morning of computer glitches that just about drove me crazy), we have officially picked the name for our church.


A cityscape is like a landscape in a painting only it's a picture of a city. We wanted a name that would reflect the culture we are living in out here in LA. Not only is the artistic community prevalent in the area, but more importantly, the urban/metro motif is huge.

Though there's no official logo yet, our website is up. There isn't much there yet, but check it out when you get a chance.

I'm so glad to be done with the whole name process. Now I can focus on getting our incorporation status secured, and finding a place for us to meet. Last week we had 23 people for our worship service (we need a new name for "worship service"), and another 20 something people came to a baby dedication we did after the worship service. So we saw over fify people come through the door on Sunday night. It was crazy, but it's definitly an exciting time right now as we watch God really begin to move us back out into the public light. What an incredible, exciting, difficult, scary, remarkable time we're in right now! I can't wait to tell you more stories about the changed lives we're seeing right in front of our eyes, but for now, I've got to go get to work on our website!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is exciting! Love you guys! Praying for you today! The photo on your site is great. Can't wait to hear more . . .