Monday, May 21, 2007


Yesterday we met for the first time as a church outside of a living room. The community center where we met turned out to be a great location, which was a huge answer to prayer, and we had 25 people show up which was more than I expected (I figured it would be more like 20). Of the 25 people, only 11 of them were regulars, so we had more new people there than regulars which was fantastic.

Our worship band was able to finally play together, and I think everybody really enjoyed a time of authentic worship. I taught on finding our satisfaction in the true bread of Christ, and the Gospel being essential and ultimate to finding any true life.

The new people were from all kinds of walks of life. Some were believers who are looking for a church, some were believers who have been burned by church but were ready to test the waters again, some were young (our drummer was 14!), some were older (our drummer's parents came, have been looking for a church, and want to keep coming). Some were even at a place where they're skeptical about the Gospel and God and Jesus and Christianity and church. But overall, most of them are interested in coming again and learning more about who we are as a church. We were really encouraged!

I'm so thankful for all the prayers, encouragment, and support we've received from so many of you over the past few months. Though I realize that the journey is long, yesterday was a huge step forward.

Please continue to pray for Cityscape, for Mindy and me, and for the movement of the Gospel in LA.

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