Monday, May 14, 2007

Sunday, May 20

Sorry I haven't updated this thing in over a month! Man time flies. I've been as busy in April and May as any other time I can remember.

Please be praying for us this week. On Sunday, May 20, we're meeting outside of the living room for the first time! That marks a major step forward for us as a church. After several weeks of frustration trying to find a place to meet, we finally were able to book a little clubhouse at a park in southwest Beverly Hills. Not an ideal location, but everybody's excited about it.

We're also starting a Bible study on Tuesday nights that will be taught by an older missionary from Korea we call Paul. My good friend Jason and I have been meeting with him over the past several months, and we've been really encouraged as he's shown us the supremacy of Christ in all of the Bible. Again, we're really excited about locking arms with him.

Mindy and I have certainly had our share of lows over the past 18 months of living in LA, but right now, we're very encouraged, our spirits are high, and we feel as close to God as ever.

I really will try to be better about keeping this updated.

Check out our website at when you get a chance, and please keep us in your prayers!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Just wanted you guys to know I'm thinking of you and will pray for you as the Lord leads. I enjoy catching up with you a little through your blog. Feel free to check mine out as Kim Heaton